County Issues Requests for Proposals Tied to Public Safety Realignment
Matching the formerly incarcerated with jobs, housing and other support services is seen as key in keeping them from going back to a life of crime. With that goal, Contra Costa County’s Board of Supervisors is soliciting proposals from qualified agencies to provide a range of services to bolster the transition for those released to County supervision following California’s Public Safety Realignment.
The Board is making available a total of $3,530,000 for services in specific program areas. Four Requests for Proposals (RFPs) were released Tuesday, March 1, to deliver services in the following amounts: $2,000,000 for Employment Support and Placement Services, $1,180,000 for Short and Long-Term Housing Access, $200,000 for Peer Mentoring and Family Reunification Services, and $150,000 for Civil Legal Services.
Supervisor Candace Andersen, Chair of the Board and of the County’s Public Safety Committee, notes Contra Costa has been a leader among counties in its approach to implementing Realignment.
“Partnering with experienced, innovative, effective agencies will ensure we’re tackling recidivism with the right tools,” Andersen added.
Private, not-for-profit organizations, for-profit organizations, and public agencies that offer programs serving the needs of the target population, with demonstrated effectiveness in providing evidence-based and research-informed services aimed at reducing repeat offenses, are invited to submit proposals.
A mandatory Bidders Conference for interested responders is scheduled at the following locations and times: March 7, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Pittsburg City Council Chambers; March 8 from 10:00 a.m. to noon in the Zoning Administrator’s Room at 30 Muir Road in Martinez; or March 9 from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Richmond City Council Chambers. Potential bidders need only attend one conference.
Proposals are due by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 1, 2016. Additional information and RFP copies are available at website: or by calling (925) 335-1097.