Political tribalism is a growing danger to our country. People select their Party/tribe and can then retreat into in a bubble where they believe that their Party is right about everything and the other Party is universally wrong. That mentality leads to elections where candidates often stop trying to win votes from around half the population to have a chance at victory. Those officials who legitimately try to represent everyone, and who work each day to improve the lives of all of their constituents regardless of Party are rare and valuable. Supervisor Diane Burgis is one of those precious public servants.
I’ve had the pleasure to be a constituent and a nearby neighbor of Supervisor Burgis for years, and I have found her accessible, accountable, and devoted to her community. She doesn’t pay lip service to the ideals of non-partisanship, hard work, and of legitimately wanting to serve her community: she lives those ideals. Supervisor Burgis puts the needs of her constituents over the desires of her Party. And most importantly, she is committed to serving every person in her district regardless of whether that person voted for her in the past or is likely to vote for her now; she will never sell us out in order to stay in office. Personally I know that if I make Supervisor Burgis aware that I need her help, she’ll be there for me, and I know that I have someone in my corner fighting for me, and not because I’m a Democrat, but because I’m her constituent, her neighbor, and a human being.
All of that is why I support electing Diane Burgis to another term as Supervisor of Contra Costa District 3, why I supported her in the past, and why I will continue to support her in the future.
Heath Lenoble
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