Below is a letter I am submitting to Brentwood Coty Council. It is something residents should be concerned with.
I am writing in concern to the amount of time Councilwomen Rarey and Mendoza spoke about their work with Las Hijas del Campo.
As much as I appreciate the hard work Las Hijas are putting in, it is important to recognize that Councilwoman Mendoza has a conflict of interest allocating so much time and accolades to her sister’s organization. In fact, since I wrote my initial comment, it has come to my attention that Councilwoman Mendoza is a founder of the organization.
The simple fact Councilwoman Mendoza has given public space and allocated her work as a public servant to a non-profit she has founded is a horrible use of her time as an elected official and a clear red flag. She is using her status as a public servant to highlight and provide accolades to an organization that she not only founded, but she is still doing a ton of work with.
Had Councilwoman Mendoza even taken the time to disclose her relationship to the organization, her capacity to make fair, unbiased decisions would not be in question.
Yet – it is clear she is using her position as a public servant to benefit personally. At first, I was questioning her stance due to the immediate family relationship – yet the simple fact she is a founder and active shows there is a direct conflict of interest in her touting the organization and her position as a public servant.
It is a clear conflict of interest and unethical for her to dedicate most of the weekly reports (from the City Council meeting on Feb 9, 2021, at approximately the 30-minute mark of the meeting) to her contributions to the community to her sister. In fact, Las Hijas del Campo is not yet a formalized, legal non-profit 501(C)3 entity. Currently, they have no federal or state documentation. They do nice local work – however, it reflects poorly on the council, specifically Councilwoman Mendoza and the non-profit. In fact, it looks poorly on the entire council when there is time allocated to an organization that has not taken the correct legal steps to work as a nonprofit. And an organization in which Mendoza is a founder and has not taken the time to state her relationship with the organization as a founder.
There are dozens of certified, legal non-profit organizations in Brentwood. It would be wonderful if our elected officials would dedicate their time to actual organizations that are not directly associated with a family member — and the organizations that will not directly benefit from the free support of the local, elected officials because they are family.
I am the founder of a non-profit that has worked tediously with the local homeless population, including the same “campesino” population that Las Hijas de Campo works with. Not only do I work with an overlooked population, but I have also sat down with Brentwood City leadership to seek support and partnership, including the City Manager, Chief of Police, and officers dedicated to the homeless. I partner regularly with the City of Brentwood Parks and Recreation to provide food for feeding programs in the city and was able to work with the local fire department to provide Christmas trees to local families in need. My nonprofit also works with the students at Los Medanos in their weekly food distribution program.
It is a direct conflict of interest that Councilwoman Mendoza is using her platform as an elected official to support and give accolades to her organization.
Las Hijas can benefit directly from the support of Councilwoman Mendoza, in terms of financial gain, status, and increased opportunities for more support and access to resources. Councilwoman Mendoza is not disclosing the family relationship or the simple fact she is a founder. Why is she hiding this fact?
Her negligence in non-disclosure has shown she is untrustworthy and using her role as a public servant for personal gain.
Please reach out to me with more questions. My non-profit was founded in 2013 and is in good standing with both federal and state government entities and serving the Brentwood community in collaboration with leadership. Ms. Mendoza should be mindful of using her power for the personal gain and benefit of her family. It is unethical, makes Brentwood’s leadership look undesirable, and makes me question the other ways Ms. Mendoza will use her power to answer to her personal agenda and personal gain.
George A. Guevara
Founder of My Angel’s Inc
You seem jealous and not really concerned about CORRUPTION. Tell me what harm has been caused what crime has been committed. More importantly are you saying las hijas(???) is not doing what they say are they frauds?? If not a few minutes of discussion in a meeting is irrelevant. Unless the city is funding them
And you asking for support at the end after bashing another charity is not a good look. Try. again
I’m more concerned with this.
Your ONLY retort is this? Come on – don’t we believe in reform? Mr. Guevara not only served time, but he also paid THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of dollars in retribution. Even more? This is SUPER OLD.
Mr. has been working, giving back, for years now. Granted – he made some hairy mistakes and paid the price for them. Today – you can find him working closely with the Food Bank of Contra Costa, White Pony Express AND our local homeless community. Watch is FB page. He brings food. He provides access to rehab centers. He works with local PD AND city leadership to help find beds for people who are ready to get off the street. A few months ago, he literally was at the laundromat doing LAUNDRY for people. Maybe we should focus on what he is doing TODAY and not something from YEARS and YEARS ago he “paid” for.
WE SHOULD BE VERY CONCERNED that we have a sitting councilman/woman who is not disclosing her relationships. That is really important for elected officials to report…why did so many people hate Trump — he HID HIS RELATIONSHIPS…looks like Councillady Mendoza is doing the same thing. At least with Mr. Guevara we know what we get. He has some history — but that is it…it is HISTORY and today he is serving the community in big ways. I think the best sentence in this whole article which should be the focal point is “Had Councilwoman Mendoza even taken the time to disclose her relationship to the organization, her capacity to make fair, unbiased decisions would not be in question”
If she would just DISCLOSE her relationships, nobody would question her credibility and capacity to serve as an unbiased, transparent public servant. Her gross error in doing so sure discredits her actions TODAY.
If you are going to throw darts – do your research first. I think it is pretty clear Mr. Guevara has more than made up for his poor decision-making with his current actions.
Only in your paper this letter gets published . No where else . Seems like your always trying to find dirt on others . Your fake news
We publish all letters to the editor we receive about local matters.
You’ll have to ask the writer if he sent it to any other media.
Don’t blame us for the content of what someone else writes.
It’s a letter to the editor, which is someone’s opinion, and listed as such. It’s not a news article.
Allen Payton, Publisher
Maybe Allen has the integrity to point out the facts.
Hijas del Campo and any partner/affiliate makes zero financial gain.
Then why isn’t she disclosing it? It is pretty simple to see the concern is her lack of disclosure. When politicians are not transparent, the simple fact there is a perceived conflict of interest is pretty bad. If she has nothing to hide, why is she hiding?
Wow George , aren’t you the holy one ……. if writing this makes you feel like a better person to the community of Brentwood then great , but your letter is nothing of importance or concern to the community .
George, you just seem to be a hater. To publish something as idiotic as that is mind boggling. Jovita over and over again has proven she is for the people.
Shame on you. In reading some replies you seem to be getting some well deserved backlash!
Jennifer, thank you so much for posting what George’s true character is. Rolling back odometers is an heinius crime and I hope he was prosecuted to the full extent of the law!
You are ridiculous and a true representative of the issues plaguing the community. Would his concern be of any MORE value if he didn’t have the history he has? I’m pretty sure he current actions showcase someone the system has remediated.
And – he paid his dues — which means it’s all in the wash. I question who you are to make such gross character judgments of someone — What have you done to prove yourself?
I just think that it is crazy that a concerned citizen points out a MAJOR lack of judgment by an elected official and you lash out at the concerned citizen. that doesn’t make any sense at all.
: “It is unfortunate that people would rather attack me for sharing my opinions and civic concerns than actually look at the problem at hand. It seems, to some people, it is easier to attack my credibility as a concerned citizen than take the time to learn why why should be concerned with the lack of transparency and perceived conflict of interest in a newly elected sitting council person. Our community will continue a downward spiral if people think attacking the messenger is more important than attacking the issue at hand.
I agree. Some of these people need play a bit of catch up on you before they open their mouths. I don’t agree with your past – but, it sure seems like you are a real great example of someone who really did make a huge change in life and now are giving back in amazing ways. Thank you for your work. Thank you for saying something the rest of us haven’t been willing to say and THANK YOU for showing us that people change. Is there a way I can donate to your organization?
“This statement was written from the perspective of a c concerned client. My past does not mean my voice or my concerns about elected officials are any less valid or valuable than anyone else. I see a sitting politician who is using her politician seat to garner support for her group. I call it a group because it is not yet a legally formed 501(c)3. She could simply disclose her relationship and eliminate any concern regarding any perceived conflict of interest. It is’nt complicated. And frankly. this isn’t about me. It is about the simple fact someone is getting away with making slippery decisions and some people would rather bash me than look at the facts.
People make mistakes and pay dearly for them, please everyone let’s look at the future and really do something that is trying to help, the article is enlightening and no matter where it comes from if it’s the truth then let’s try to make this right… I looked up the My Angels nonprofit and it seems like they just want to do something good and fair for everyone in the community.
I agree! Did you see his post from December? He was literally doing laundry and charging car batteries at his house with his girlfriend to help some of the homeless people in Antioch after their camp was taken down. Who does that? The videos are funny – but, really — it shows My Angel’s really is doing some good work. And it isn’t about My Angels vs Las Hijas Del Campo — it is about him calling out someone who isn’t being transparent and showing that maybe she just isn’t someone the residents of Brentwood should trust. I’m not sure who she was running against, but I would hope people in her district don’t reelect her and think hard before they support anything she supports — Councilwoman Mendoza seemsl like she is playing politician to support her own cause.
Scrutinizing elected public officials is the duty/right of every American citizen! They were elected to represent the public’s best interest, not their own! And invested private interests should be disclosed.
Would there be an ethics committee/ board that can address the issue?
Exactly! All I know of this guy is his work with the homeless people around here. He is pretty passionate and since he videos everything – he is pretty transparent. Plus – he makes a good point. If there are legit non-profits doing good work – it makes sense our elected officials are recognizing the LEGAL non-profits working. I looked up Las Hijas Del Campos too — and h0nestly — they are also doing great things. BUT – they are not a legit 501(C)3 – shouldn’t our elected officials support the non-profits doing things the LEGAL way and not just the “ask for forgiveness later if we mess up” way. ANd the more I think about this, it takes some COURAGE to stand up and say something difficult like this. I comment him. Nobody else has the courage to do it. We should all learn something from this….
I’m curious to know why George didn’t cross check his information if he’s so concerned??. Had he, he would know that Jovita is not a founder or the president! Please do your homework George. Facts are important!
Also, Angles, Inc. (George’s org) has donated to the Hijas del Campo in the past so George knows exact who Hijas del Campo is.
This whole article is false and very disheartening. Very disappointed in George/Angels, Inc.
Wow says more about you than her.