I find it interesting that Jovita Mendoza routinely misrepresents Councilmember Claudette Staton’s positions on the important issues in our neighborhood.
Councilmember Staton voted, along with all the other council members, to put Measure L on the ballot to let the voters decide whether or not to proceed with the development and I think Ms. Mendoza would be happy that the voters rejected the development.
Ms. Mendoza knows – because she received an opinion on it – that per the California Political Reform Act, Councilmember Staton has to recuse herself from deliberations and votes on the proposed oil and gas drilling and the Bridal Gate development and recent zoning decisions. Bridal Gate will come before the Council in Feb. 2021.
Councilwoman Staton, as a private citizen, has stated that she is opposed to the oil and gas drilling.
If Ms. Mendoza continues to misrepresent facts how can we trust her on council?
JoAnn Klement
Joann, I completely understand your desire to defend you friend Claudette, but it’s obvious this is a meager attempt at damage control. Let’s be clear, Staton voted along with all the others to put Measure L on a “SPECIAL” emergency election when the overwhelming public sentiment was to put it on this year’s “GENERAL” election so we would have more time to thumb through the developer sponsored Measure L, which ultimately has come to light that it was grossly flawed and skewed in the developer’s favor. Ms. Staton, immediately after her yes vote that evening, told me to my face that is was “acceptable to accept money from a developer to pay for a Special Election” The same developers she has always received money from for her campaigns. Sorry, but that’s the facts.
Take a tape measure from Claudette’s fence to the proposed development, it’s not under 1,000 feet! It’s slightly over. Therefore she should not have recused herself. And what are you talking about with the oil and gas drilling? That’s Contra Costa County land, not in Brentwood literally. Claudette can chime in anytime she wants to oppose that plan, but she never has. There’s a group of over 700 Brentwood residents that have been fighting this oil and gas drilling proposal for months with the county, and Claudette hasn’t said a word. Why? Cuz the developers that fund her campaign are the ones trying to build the oil and gas drills! Jovita Mendoza District 1 is http://www.BetterForBrentwood.com