Copy of Brentwood District 1 Councilwoman Jovita Mendoza’s re-election campaign mailer which included a photo with Con Fire Chaplain and Antioch Catholic Priest Robert Rien (see yellow circle).
Claims Jovita Mendoza won’t respond to request to “revoke the flyer”
I am writing to clarify the situation of a political flyer that has been distributed including a photograph of Jovita Mendoza and myself. In my position as a Priest of the Diocese of Oakland, the Pastor of St. Ignatius of Antioch Parish of Antioch, and the Lead Chaplain for the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District, I am not allowed to support or endorse any candidate for public office nor give the impression that I do so. The flyer in question gives the impression that I do support Jovita Mendoza for public office, and it is not true. My consent and permission to make use of my photograph for that flyer was never sought or given.
More than a week ago, I sent her an email requesting that she revoke the flyer and clarify that she used my photograph with her fraudulently to suggest that as the fire chaplain (and possibly a priest) that I do in fact endorse and support her effort to win a seat on the Brentwood City Council. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I write to you today to make sure that my parishioners, the members of our diocese, and the citizens of East County that I have not
violated the directives given to me by both my Bishop and the Fire Chief. My hope is that this incident would give the citizens of Brentwood pause as to who this person really is and her disregard for ethics, professionalism, morality, and fitness for the position she seeks.
Father Robert Rien
St. Ignatius of Antioch Parish
Lead Chaplain, Contra Costa County Fire Protection District
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