County health officials evaluating local data to determine any further business reopening
By Allen Payton
As of Friday night, according to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) COVID-19 website, Contra Costa County is no longer on the state’s Watch List for monitoring cases.
The state monitors three criteria, which includes elevated disease transmission with a case rate of more than 100 or a case rate of greater than 25 and positivity of more than 8%; increasing hospitalization of more than 10%, and limited hospital capacity with less than 20% of ICU beds available or less than 25% of ventilators available.
Contra Costa has fallen below the criteria which flags counties for inclusion on the watch list.
Asked if there had been an announcement about this new information since our county was included in the list as of Governor Newsom’s announcement on Wednesday, July 1, Contra Costa Health Services spokesman Karl Fischer responded, “No. Counties go on and off the watch list with some regularity, including ours.”
Asked if those businesses that were supposed to reopen on Wednesday would now be allowed to reopen on Monday, Fischer responded, “No determination has been made about changing the reopening timeline. We are evaluating the local data.”
A description of the data being monitored can be found in the Understanding the Data Being Monitored section. The data chart is updated and posted daily.
Kim Loisel says
I just don’t see how nail salons where everyone will wear masks and there will be plexiglass barriers how those businesses are the danger of COVID transmission. The fact that alcohol is being served anywhere other than inside someone’s own home is crazy. My nail salon is in San Ramon and is owned by 2 Vietnamese sisters. This is their livelihood. Hair salons are open in the entire county and just because you might not be f acing the person the whole time, doesn’t make it that much different.
Rcat says
Welcome to liberalism!
Evang Jordan says
St John 3:16-17! ❤
JESUS is Returning SOON to carry HIS BRIDE away in the RAPTURE! ALLELUIA!
My heart aches for the hurting. America, along with the rest of the world is being judged. A spirit of murder is hovering comfortably over America, because of abortion. Cremation is legalized and THAT is definitely desecration of the precious human body. The murder just committed in Texas shows how the devil hates our soul AND our form. WHY? Because we are made in the image of GOD!
Coronavirus is a pestilence. “Famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places” are a part of end times prophecies. There is hope in REPENTANCE! But as we see, instead of rushing to GOD, many flood bars when the doors open. The time of the Gentiles is nearly over. It will end with the RAPTURE. Jews are about to meet their Messiah! It’s an EXCITING time for those of us who love JESUS! But for the rebellious it is a time of woe. Love GOD and love His people to be ready to go back with JESUS when He returns!
If you don’t love and honor JESUS while you’re alive, HE will NOT know you after you’ve died.
“I never knew you:”…KJV
Paully says
You’re a nut cake..
Evangelist Jordan says
EXTREME heat is JUDGMENT too! Time to be serious and REPENT!
Lynette fox says
Barbara Maugeri says
I agree with you. My heart also aches for our rebellious nation. Not unlike Israel in biblical times. We are all sinners and in need of a Saviour. His name is Jesus Christ. Not Trump or any other presidential leader in the world
Amri says
If anyone says, “I love God”, and hates his brother,, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?
Yes, tlohe Bible is very specific about what will happen before the End Times, and many of those events haven’t all unfolded yet. For one major thing, the ancient temple in Jerusalem is supposed to be rebuilt first. What happens concerning Israel is my gauge. The key focus in our mind is Israel. That’s God’s prophetic clock. As things progress in Israel, we get closer to when the rapture of the church will occur, and then the tribulation.. But for now, no weapon formed against us will prosper– not on our watch–we continue to fight with the Word for our President and those around him– we shout Grace, Grace, Grace.. there’s nothing new that God wasn’t aware..of. Yes, pandemics have happened throughout history. Intercessors all over the world have joined forces– spiritually we’ve already won– the manifestation–soon to follow.. we continue to look through the eyes of faith and the Word and listen to His voice. His sheep ‘know’ His voice.
Evangelist Jordan says
EVERYTHING that needs to happen before the RAPTURE has happened! The temple will be rebuilt and everything else that is prophesied will happen, but ALWAYS be ready for the Thief in the night. Don’t be caught unawares waiting for the temple. It’s coming, and so is the Bridegroom! ❤
Evangelist Jordan says
Christmas will be my 47th BIRTHDAY in JESUS! PAPA GOD first touched me on Christmas Eve in 1972 when I asked Him in JESUS’ name! GLORY! I woke up Christmas Morning Born Again! HALLELUJAH! Since the Lord called me to preach, I’ve heard comments about how I view life. JESUS blessed me to graduate from LMC in 2013 with THREE Degrees ALL Honors! Amen! Before JESUS saved me, I used to chain smoke, drink alcohol and I was VERY profane! Fornication was part of my life AND I was atheist. No one ever said a WORD about my choices in life at THAT time. But since I’ve been warning God’s precious people of coming Judgment, there are occasionally derogatory comments made by haters of GOD. I pray the Lord will save them TOO! In the name of JESUS! He changed me! I’m a NEW CREATURE and DEFINITELY BETTER! “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17! Hope to see you in the Kingdom of GOD! ❤
Rich d says
So convenient to prevent true Americans to celebrate an important national holiday. True socialism and another move by cancel. These anarchist supporters bend over backwards to appease anti-American agendas while they trampled civil rights of millions of Americans. BE CAREFUL what you wish for. You liberal socialist will the next to fall under the wrath of Antifa and BLM once they have used you up and you no longer can provide them a platform to spew the disdain for America and what it stands for. Shame on you. The silent majority is watching. Don’t make the same mistake that Japan made in WWII. In waking a sleeping giant.
TDonovan says
What shall we celebrate when you or a family member get COVID-19..?
You people with the Im more important than a Global Pandemic…
Be Careful what you wish for!!
Your just ignorant
Jooney says
Oh boy this schmuck is one triggered AF Trumpanzee.
This comment is all over the place.
Someone find him a safe space.
Joe Gonzalez says
It is time to stand up against the governor! We are not his children!!
cirree says
Yelling you not a child will show them!
Pl says
maria says
Wow didn’t realize just how many wackos live in CCC! No doubt 45 supporters! If they really want truth or want to know what’s really going on in this country they should stop watching Fake News Fox channel!! Maybe brush up on their history lessons or better yet stop listening to 45’s rhetoric crap!
LISA says
I’m with you, Maria. Some of the comments on this page and community are frightening.
Stephen Whitmire says
Lisa F says
I’m with both of you!! Maybe it’s not Just the virus we need to lay low from, geez!! The insanity is rampant as well!
Jim says
If you think only FOX is whack and fake, you are sheep and robots.
P.L. says
I agree!
Gayl says
Maybe we ARE smart enough to do what science requires to get us back to ‘normal:’
[1] wear a mask
[2] wash our hands
[3] don’t stand close enough to others to get sprayed on by them (6′ recommended / even more is better)
Fredda says
All of you trump followers the ignorant part of our society, falsely crying about your rights being violated because you should be wearing a mask to save your life and others … should just hop on the mayflower back to Europe. Ohhh wait we are the sh** hole country so Europe doesn’t want you back
Rachell says
Well said! These muthaf**ka are the first to get sick & crying & in need of medical attention!
J says
Another intolerant victim making noise! Thanks KAREN!
Lee says
Evang, Rich and Joe
You have gone on the dark side.
Get a life and shut up
JKF says
A reasoned argument in which opinion is stated would be refreshing and perhaps more persuavive. Remember, the people you refer to as “wackos” and other adjectives are your fellow citizens.
Sue E says
Read the constitution
American A says
John Oliver said it best. This is the best time for Trump and his followers to wear f*ng cloth masks that say “MAGA”! How stupid can you be to complain that your rights are being violated. Just wear the stupid mask and stamp MAGA on it. Simple!
Evangelist Jordan says
Be informed!
Evangelist Jordan says
I would so love to meet each of you in the Kingdom of GOD! For some, a dramatic turn around will be necessary. But GOD changed me!
Ben says
Liberal Ideas of the left smells Soviet Union and it is frighten me. I lived there. Do not be naive being nice.
Lowell Vaughn says
Politically things are looking up
The GOP is finally realising CHUMP is a lunatic.Thank GOD!
Vpndude1 says
From Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg:
“for while the Constitution protects against invasions of individual rights, it is not a suicide pact.”