As of the update posted Friday, March 6, 2020 at 4:33 p.m., the results of the election for Contra Costa County Supervisor in the District 5 race between incumbent Federal Glover and two challengers is still too close to call.
Glover, seeking his sixth term on the board, is just 0.3% away from winning the race outright. If not, in the November General Election he will face either County Assessor Gus Kramer, who has 25.82% of the vote and leading Martinez Planning Commissioner Sean Trambley with 24.48% of the vote, by just 516 votes.
However, there are approximately 40,000 ballots remaining to be counted in the county. According to the Contra Costa County Elections website:
Below are the estimated number of ballots that remain to be counted as of March 6
7,500 Vote by Mail
29,200 Provisional
800 Conditional Voter Registration
2,500 Other
40,000 Total Estimate
Before the latest update was provided, Trambley commented on Thursday, “We will see what happens. Although this wasn’t the outcome I expected, I’m proud of the campaign I ran.”
“Hard to say how many of those (remaining ballots) are in District 5,” he added.
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