By Scott Alonso, Public Information Officer, Contra Costa District Attorney
Today, Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton issued a statement regarding the murder of George Floyd:
“I am heartbroken and horrified by the murder of George Floyd and the other unjust deaths of Black men and women in this country. As the chief law enforcement official of Contra Costa, I took an oath to ensure justice for everyone under the law. The fight for justice does not end at the borders of our County or in our communities. We all have a responsibility to speak out against and eradicate injustices wherever we find them. The officers responsible for the murder of George Floyd must be held accountable.
The right to peacefully assemble and protest are a vital part of the fabric of this nation, and the majority of participants have been peaceful and even inspiring. I am disappointed that the righteous marches and gatherings are being infiltrated and hijacked by a small minority of people with other agendas. The individuals who are exploiting the pain, and the cause of so many in our community by committing acts of violence and destruction will be held accountable. We must not let the acts of the detractors deter us from the issue at hand. We must never stop working to eradicate racism and bring about systematic change throughout all systems, especially in our criminal justice system. I will continue to fight for criminal justice reform not only just in Contra Costa but throughout this nation.”
I am in full support of your proposed policies that judicial candidates should not be endorsed or receive donations from law enforcement unions.
But is it acceptable for them to receive campaign contributions from criminal defense attorneys and civil rights organizations on the other side of the political debate?
That’s the question I’ve posed to DA Becton, but so far hasn’t answered.
Allen Payton, Publisher
I’ve been on many juries and I believe the system works. When all the facts are presented justice will prevail! We are the most fair country in the world ,thats why people keep breaking the door down to get into America.They don’t go to communist, socialist,, or totalitatrian countries! Behind every progressive voice is a totalitarian screaming to get out , and guess what, they are out all over America, and the Democrat party is now the party of fascism! MIGHT MAKES RIGHT
When everyone saw the murder of George Floyd, we were all together as one… not white, not black, not Democrat, not Republican. We were all ready to really focus on eliminating as much of this terrible trait of human kind as could possibly be eliminated. Now, as they intended, those who destroyed property and gave opportunity to looters, have divided us again. They have no respect for George or for what we could have accomplished.