WHAT: The Contra Costa Alcohol & Other Drugs Advisory Board (AODAB) seeks applicants to fill several open seats. The board is comprised of 11 volunteer members and three volunteer alternates. All members are appointed by the Contra Costa Board of Supervisors.
AODAB assesses community needs regarding prevention, treatment and recovery from alcohol and other drug use. It reports its findings to Contra Costa Health Services, the Board of Supervisors and community partners.
WHO: Applicants must be 16 or older and live in Contra Costa County. We currently seek applicants from District 5 and for at-large and at-large alternate seats.
WHEN: AODAB members must attend a meeting on the fourth Wednesday of each month from 4-6:15 p.m. Members are also expected to serve on subcommittees which meet every other month. Meeting times and locations may vary to encourage participation from various segments of the community.
Members usually serve three-year terms.
WHY: The AODAB offers its volunteers the opportunity to directly address substance use in Contra Costa by helping local government develop and improve policies regarding alcohol and other drugs. AODAB produces an annual report and selects recipients for the annual People Who Make a Difference awards.
Contact Isabelle Kirske at 925-335-3313 or Isabelle.Kirske@cchealth.org for an application or more information.
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