Dear Editor:
As an 18-year employee of Contra Costa County and a 14-year member of the Martinez City Council, I have a unique insight into the two candidates for the District 5 Supervisor race, having worked with both for several years. Consequently, I am supporting Supervisor Federal Glover.
Federal has demonstrated over many decades in office the ethics and temperament to be an effective leader; people trust him, unlike his opponent. He builds strong, lasting relationships and coalitions, proving that achievement takes collaboration and is built on shared goals and values—not mega-doses of ego or backroom dealings. Federal is a true public servant who believes in good governance and the causes he champions; not someone bent on using their position and influence to “feather their own nest,” climb the political ladder, or take care of their special interests. Federal also has a record of accomplishment and exciting initiatives for the future—not just campaign promises and empty slogans.
On the Board of Supervisors, Federal made tough decisions during the Great Recession, resulting in the County’s “AAA” financial rating, which should not be entrusted to someone with a record of bouncing checks and filing bankruptcies. Federal has demonstrated leadership on public safety issues including gang violence reduction. And I am inspired by the infrastructure projects Federal has advanced that will have a profound impact on our City, as well as the Northern Waterfront Initiative.
For these reasons and many more, please join me in voting for Federal Glover for District 5 Supervisor.
Lara DeLaney
Martinez City Councilmember 2002-present
Bill Schilz says
I too live in Martinez and I have a completely different opinion of Supervisor Glover. First and foremost, he has shown financial mismanagement in the Keller Canyon Mitigation Fund (KCMF) wherein there have been public accusations of ethical misbehavior and/or misrepresentation, charges of nepotism and cronyism, and allegations of long-term County mismanagement of a mitigation fund. The Grand Jury and the Contra Costa County Auditor-Controller cited Supervisor Glover having spent $634,372 without having first gotten approval from the entire Board of Supervisors.The Auditor’s report went on to say “it was determined that the “internal control environment of the KCMF is seriously deficient” and that because of this there is “a possibility of fraud and abuse”.
Just recently, two independent expenditure committees comprised of close friends (Syl Garaventa and Mark Hall, of the Supervisor who gave over $200,000, began an onslaught of “hit piece”, slimy, negative mailers against the Supervisor’s opponent, Anamarie Avila Farias. The mailers forced two of the Martinez City Council to come out at a Council meeting and denounce the mailers as being false and indicating they had never given approval to use their names or pictures in the mailer. State Assemblymember Tony Thurmond resorted to sending out a press release stating firmly that he has never given an endorsement of either candidate in spite of the Glover mailer saying Mr. Thurmond endorsed Glover along with a picture of the Assemblyman.
Then let’s talk about Mr. Glover giving a “Get out of jail free card” to a dangerous repeat criminal from Pittsburg who went on a violent crime spree across Martinez. He was arrested and held on $740,000 bail. With his previous convictions, the Defendant was judged to be a danger to society that cops and prosecutors work hard to keep off the streets. But Supervisor Federal Glover of Contra Costa disagrees. Supervisor Glover gave the Defendant a “Get Out of Jail Free” card to play in court.
Glover’s letter with the ink barely dry on the arrest report, using official letterhead from his County office, Supervisor Glover wrote a letter of support asking for leniency for the Defendant from the Prosecutors and Court. Federal Glover is the boss of the DA and Prosecutors. He approves their budgets and grants them raises. And the District Attorney Mark Peterson and the Prosecutor’s Association have both endorsed Mr. Glover for his re-election. This cozy circle of political back scratching may lead to a dangerous criminal put back on the streets to harm more civilians and put more cops in the line of fire.The Defendant’s lawyer and the County Prosecutor are negotiating plea deals at this time. The letter from Glover could help put a violent criminal back on the streets sooner than he deserves. The results of the plea dealings are scheduled for court on November 9th. Conveniently one day after the election.
I could go on, but I think you may be getting the gist of why this person with 16 years on the Board of Supervisors deserves not to be re-elected. NOW is the time for change… fresh ideas, a person who will LISTEN to the residents of District 5 and won’t be beholden to big money interests. On November 8th, I’ll be voting for Anamarie Avila Farias!
Jim E says
I am pretty sure you’re the reason Gay Gerlack lost that campaign against Schroder.–good thing you were stopped from making a bigger fool out of yourself and was told not send out all those ridiculous hit pieces you were planning on–the puppet one with Earl and Rob was classic, you’re a grown man for godssakes, act like it!
Jim E says
Clearly you’re the puppet now Mr. Schilz.
John H. Lohnes says
As a resident of Martinez and an active observer of the political scene in our County, I find Ms. DeLaney’s sudden endorsement of Mr. Glover over Ms. Avila Farias quite curious. Ms. DeLaney and Ms. Avila Farias have had a good working relationship on the Martinez City Council, and Ms. Avila Farias has been an active supporter of Ms. DeLaney in her past campaigns.
When I see sudden changes such as Ms. DeLaney’s, I must fall back on the old adage of “follow the money” in trying to comprehend such an inexplicable reversal. Considering that Mr. Glover has had to resort to underhanded “hit pieces” funded by his well heeled cronies, and unsubstantiated lies, innuendo, and unwarranted character assassination of Ms. Avilas Farias, one can only conclude that Ms. Delaney’s letter of endorsement is suspect at the very least.
Ms. Avila Farias has proven her leadership ability and ability to provide all the citizens of the Fifth District of Contra Costa County with forward thinking and new, fresh ideas that will benefit all of us. I for one will be voting for the future of my neighbors, my community, and my County by casting my vote for Anamarie Avila Farias on November 8th.
Jim E says
Clearly you didn’t pay attention to the 2014 hit pieces Anamarie sent on Lara DeLaney during Lara’s campaign. Sad since Councilmember DeLaney helped her get elected. Just goes to show what kind of low life Anamarie is which is also reflected in her constant trollers going around bashing, bullying everyone like immature children on a play ground.
.The only things Farias has accomplished is bouncing checks, sending out hit pieces against council member and opponents and then crying victim, like people can’t see through that. Plus you’re missing some FPPC # FedUp, . putting her unqualified friend into the top city manager job, never showing up at planning commission meetings and now billing the county for her vacation time and time spent in San Jose for cities conferences…
If Farias had half a brain she’d realize this campaign is not her real issue, it’s getting a lawyer to help in her County Time Sheet Fraud case…punishable by jail time!!!! I doubt Glover will issue her a get out of jail free card.. Good Luck!
Your whole campaign is based on bashing Federal Glover, probably because no one can come up with one legitimate accomplishment by this sociopathic woman…
BRawn says
you must have missed the hit pieces that anamarie put out on lara delaney in 2014. she’s not even smart enough to not make it so every piece of it traces back to her and her superpac friends….
thank god DeLaney blew the whistle on Farias getting her unqualified housing friend into the top city manager job, talk about risking public safety to suffice her own ego and stupidity…
half the people in Martinez figured that easy puzzle out in like 5 minutes…
Kevin Murray says
Anamarie has been a heroic whistle blower on the Martinez City Council, and has tactfully exposed malfeasance and poor choices within the City infrastructure. You have to break some eggs to make omelets and shake the tree to get the fruit. A government leadership team is not a tea party, where people always play-nice and make feel-good. Sometimes new leaders need to challenge the old ways and ask uncomfortable questions. Don’t shoot the messenger! Embrace the truth even when it hurts.
Lara is also an excellent local leader, but styles have clashed, and more over form than substance. Much upon which they disagree is timing for change and some issues are actually outside of the effective purview of the Council, centered around inevitable acquiescence to California State mandates. Yes, we can make a firm stand against de facto edicts from Sacramento, or we can find a practical middle ground – lemonade from the bitter lemons.
Anamarie offers a great blend of pragmatism and vision. She is brilliant with a laser-like ability to get to the core of issues. She is also willing to listen to opinions and openly discuss ideas. Both she and Lara have been very helpful to us in working on community projects, and when I stand back to a wider vantage point, I see more similarities than differences between these fine ladies.
I have also dug into the backstory of Supervisor Glover’s record and claims. I live in unincorporated Martinez and I’m appalled by the lack of police services and dismal public works efforts. I see that areas outside of District 5 get far more attention. I am also disappointed by Mr. Glover’s boastful claims, taking credit for the work of others and bragging about projects over which he has had little influence. Over half of his claim of transportation funding is for projects like BART and the Caldecott Tunnel which were planned 50 years ago, and where funding is from the national and state levels. And he is even far enough out of touch to brag about the dangerous and ineffective 680/4 interchange, a dismal failure of epic proportions.
Anamarie has been willing to stand up to local power-structures with deep pockets, and these people are funding a smear campaign and influencing other local leaders with shallow promises. Please don’t be mislead. I invite everybody to get to know the real Anamarie, and vote for her as our better future!
Jim E says
Councilmember DeLaney is the whistleblower on Anamarie.. You people seem to do a lot of projecting and little advocating, given there is nothing to advocate about this woman.
The council has never been so divisive since Anamarie has been on it. You have some power crazed no nothing woman bullying city staff who have been doing their jobs successfully for years..she’s pissed off every well functioning committee –she even pissed of the historical society…
Speaking of jobs name one job she hasn’t been let go of. Include her current housing job where she billed the county for her vacation, she’s out the door there..she didn’t even make the probation period of the City of Concord job she again lost…
A;so may want to look at a financial form that states Allied Waste is giving her $292k to look the other way on their illegal dumpings, I am sure they’ll be happy to get Supervisor Glover off their back making them adhere to regulations…
I see a lot of misinformation from you cross over Rants and more Rants trolls here. Pretty sad you can’t think for yourselves and are only promote uneducated hate and bashing…youre like a bad Trump rally
BRawn says
you have serious mommy issues
Claudia says
Lara Delaney people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Shame on you and your ridiculous post. In case East County readers missed it – here you go.
Yes, smear campaign nothing but LIES generated by Federal Glover Supporters and myth busted by our Martinez/ Hercules residents before the Martinez & Hercules City Council on Oct. 19 & 24th when 4 elected officials publicly recant. Including Assembly member Tony Thurmond
Lara don’t insult the VOTER’s intelligence. We are in the age of accessing information is minutes. That being said, I don’t care about people’s personal life especially when people like you try use to create falsehoods in smear campaign. In case you forgot or suffer from short-term memory loss. Here is a fresher for you the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis – yeah remember that? EVERYONE was victim to that crash which was fueled by corporate greed that ultimately impacted millions of middle-class hard working Americans. Corporate American got a bail out, but not the middle-class. Most cases of bankruptcy aren’t caused by reckless spending, but by financial hardship due to job lose or unexpected forces i.e divorce, medical bills. Millions of people in the USA and right here in our backyard (Contra Costa County) lost their jobs, homes and savings to survive the great recession.
It’s offensive and disgusting that you would even bring that up as an issue to disparage someone’s candidacy especially when you know its false statement. Btw, if you’re going to LIE you should at least know that you can’t file 2 bankruptcies in within 5 years. You should read up on bankruptcy law, if you’re going to use that one for a smear campaign
This American and we can we can support whomever we want. However, disparaging other people candidacy with LIES is simply unethical. You are 16-yr. entrenched incumbent yourself with little to show for service in Martinez. The union family can’t wait for the 2018 election cycle– so enjoy your final 2 years.
East County peeps this is not our best, please forgive Lara Delaney disgusting outburst. Anamarie Avila Farias, a 3 generation County resident and our Martinez hometown girl. She is a reflection of our best and we are proud to see her take on this entrenched political machine. It’s time for change and a new vision in this County. She will represent ALL of the County well and she is backed by our beloved firefighters, Deputy Sheriffs of Co Co County and Antioch, Martinez, Pinole and Hercules Police officers Association. Let’s vote for change Nov 8th.
Jim E says
Thanks to the California Nurses Associations for being smart enough to endorse Supervisor Federal Glover…
SamanthaP says
Lara, the voters won’t forget who you supported and why! Petty political problems rather than support the best qualified. Grow up!!
BRawn says
It sound like her letter is doing just that.,Supporting the most qualified, If anyone would know It sounds like she would know.
Your comments here are indicative of the lack of education and civility that surrounds the Farias campaign which is ran like an uneducated bully on a play ground.
You can stop fooling yourself she’s not backed by big money too. It’s called a Campaign financial report, look into it.
Half the stuff you morons complain about are actually legal documents. Bankruptcy, Falsified time cards. Anamarie needs a criminal defense attorney not voted into an office she knows nothing about, as we have already seen with her ineptitude on city council.
SamanthaP says
Lets not forget that Lara is not only supporting someone trying to use his influence to get a family friends felon son out of jail, but she supports a man with multiple DUI’s and cocaine charges. Nice job Lara supporting Contra Costa County. Oh and isn’t Federal your boss as you work in the Contra Costa County Administrators Office? Conflict of Interest?