Dear Editor:
I have lived my entire life In East County, my 34 year teaching/counseling career was in the Brentwood Union School District.
I have known Steve Barr for all 34 years: he is a trustworthy man of integrity, and dedicated to bringing the resources we need to East County.
Steve is truly qualified to be our next District 3 County Supervisor. In the past 11 years he has finished a four-year and a two-year (appointed) term on the Liberty Union High School Board, a four-year term on the Brentwood City Council and is now in his second term. When Steve starts something, he sees it through. On the other hand let’s look at Diane Burgis’ record: in less than four years she was on the Oakley City Council for two years, then left that position to run for East County Regional Park District Board, is in her second year, and is now willing to leave that position to run for County Supervisor. What next?
I am a member of the Contra Costa County Transportation Authority Citizens Advisory Committee. Starting in March of this year I attended every Transportation Authority Board meeting advocating for the need to have funds appropriated for the airport connector (SR 239) to be put on this November ballot (Measure X). Steve Barr was at every meeting advocating as well and also spoke up for the funds that were needed in Brentwood and Oakley. I do not recall seeing Diane Burgis at any of these meetings or speaking up on the behalf of East County.
It is extremely important that we elect someone to be our County Supervisor who has true leadership experience and is willing to spend the time needed to get the job done.
In my professional opinion, longevity counts. Please join me in this election and vote for Steve Barr, the most qualified to be our District 3 County Supervisor.
Patricia Mantelli Bristow
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