One day event in October seeks volunteers
Contra Costa will once again have homeless outreach services in the County. Daytime outreach will start in September and consist of two two-person teams, one dedicated to East County and the other to serve Central and West County. Evening outreach will likely begin by early December with one team, and may be enhanced to two teams. All teams will report to a single Coordinator to ensure seamless collaboration and transition between day and night. All teams will receive the same training, utilize the same protocols, and be based on the same model of service delivery.
This new outreach model was the winning design in the State ESG competition, held recently. Day teams and the Coordinator will be County-run, and the night services are presently being sought in the Coordinated Entry RFP which is due in early August. If no other viable candidates are found for evening outreach, the County will likely contract for that function, as well.
Project Homeless Connect will be held at the County Fairgrounds in Antioch on Thursday, October 13th, from 9 am to 3 pm. Homeless Connect is a one-day, one-stop event that provides on-site healthcare, social services and housing resources to persons experiencing homelessness. Community members who would like to learn more about volunteering can register here.
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