Next meeting Tuesday in Brentwood
The Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) and the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) have taken the next step necessary in evaluating the Phase 2 expansion of Los Vaqueros Reservoir from 160,000 acre-feet up to 275,000 acre-feet at an estimated cost of $800 million. Interested stakeholders can now review the draft document, and provide comments in writing or at a public meeting scheduled in July. (See Fact Sheet, here:
Los Vaqueros Reservoir, south of Brentwood, is owned and operated by CCWD. CCWD and Reclamation have been working on a joint evaluation of expanding Los Vaqueros Reservoir to develop water supplies for environmental management for fish and habitats, increase water supply reliability, and improve the quality of water deliveries. In 2012, the first phase of the expansion increasing capacity from 100,000 acre-feet to 160,000 acre-feet was completed by CCWD and provides customers with drought supply and water supply reliability benefits.
With the State’s announcement of availability of Proposition 1 funding for storage projects, a group of 11 water agencies entered into agreements with CCWD to prepare a funding application and necessary environmental documents for a Phase 2 Expansion of Los Vaqueros Reservoir from 160,000 acre-feet up to 275,000 acre-feet.
The next step in evaluating that further expansion is releasing the Draft Supplement to the Final Environmental Impact Statement / Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) for public review. The Final EIS/EIR was certified in 2010 by CCWD – the Draft Supplement to the Final EIS/EIR updates that document with new information available. See the draft documents, here:
CCWD is currently working with the Bureau of Reclamation and local partners to evaluate project alternatives, facilities and operations. Upcoming key milestones include a funding application due to the California Water Commission in August 2017 and completion of the Final Federal Feasibility Report in November 2018. Construction could begin as early as 2022.
The potential local partners include:
o Alameda County Water District
o Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency
o Byron Bethany Irrigation District
o City of Brentwood
o East Bay Municipal Utility District
o East Contra Costa Irrigation District
o Grassland Water District
o Santa Clara Valley Water District
o San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
o San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority
o Zone 7 Water Agency
Interested stakeholders can participate in six public meetings to learn more about the Phase 2 Expansion and provide comments. Meeting locations allow for attendance by customers of the water agencies considering project participation. All meetings will start with an open house and presentation in the first hour, followed by a public hearing for the second hour. Remaining meeting details are as follows:
Brentwood: Tuesday, July 25, 2017, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., Brentwood Community Center, 35 Oak Street
Los Banos: Thursday, July 27, 2017, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m., San Luis National Wildlife Refuge Complex Headquarters and Visitors Center, 7376 S. Wolfsen Road
For further information about the Draft Supplement to the Final EIS/EIR, public meetings and how to comment, please visit: and
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