Dear Editor:
With the race for the June primaries almost upon us, and six different candidates running for County Supervisor in District 3, what’s a poor voter to do? I am fortunate to have had the privilege of meeting most of these candidates, and without question, Diane Burgis is, by far, the most qualified and absolute best candidate for this position.
Diane is the only candidate with broad, regional experience – she is currently a trustee on the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) Board, which manages a budget in excess of two hundred million dollars servicing almost three million people, and overseeing its own fire department and police force. This is an entirely different level of responsibility decision-making than that of a local city council member – with just a local city issues to address. No other candidate has this breadth of experience and understanding of complex issues and decisions required to address an entire county.
Diane is a leader who knows how to build consensus and bring people together. Diane has the endorsement of over sixty leaders throughout the county and state, including all of the current Trustees on the EBRPD. Contrast that with candidate Hardcastle, who touts his 12 years of experience on the Ironhouse Sanitary District (ISD) Board, yet not one of the ISD Directors, current or previously-serving, has stepped up to endorse him.
Join me in voting for Diane Burgis for District 3 County Supervisor – the only qualified candidate for this position.
Susan Morgan
Director, Ironhouse Sanitary District
Doug Scheer endorsed my campaign for Supervisor last October. He signed the line on the Volunteer/Contribution envelope, beneath the box – which he marked – next to “You may list me as a supporter:” and included a check for $300 to my campaign, which was reported having been written on 10/21/15. The envelope was postmarked 10/22/15.
As for Dr. Michael Painter’s and Chris Lauritzen’s endorsements of my campaign, they were both verbal and to me, in person, long before you sent your letter to the editor.
While, it’s not necessary to get an endorsement in writing from friends and colleagues I’ve worked with and trust, to clear up any confusion, I’ll be happy to get them in writing.
Feel free to see Doug Scheer’s signed endorsement of my campaign posted on my campaign’s Facebook page, tonight.
This election is much more important than who is endorsing whom. The most important endorsement to me is from the voters on Election Day and that’s who I’m focused on.
Doug Hardcastle
Candidate for Contra Costa County Supervisor, District 3