By Allen Payton
After hearing input from the public at their special meeting on April 13, as well as a public apology from Lennar Urban CEO Kofi Bonner for the causing the controversy over contributions to Councilman Tim Grayson’s Assembly campaign, the Concord City Council, sitting as the Local Reuse Authority (LRA) for the Concord Naval Weapons Station, directed staff to meet with representatives from Lennar Urban to revise their Term Sheet.
Staff will make a presentation on the matter at tonight’s council meeting. The council will also have the opportunity to finalize their decision on selecting Lennar as the Master Developer for Phase I of the weapons station Reuse Plan.
According to the staff report, they “also reviewed the alternatives to selecting a Master Developer to determine whether any one of them is a viable or superior approach for Concord. This staff report provides analysis of both efforts.”
Furthermore, staff states that Lennar is committed to sign the revised Term Sheet, should the council vote to select Lennar as the Master Developer.
Following is the agenda item with a link to the complete, 175 page staff report.
The public is entitled to address the City Council on items appearing on the agenda before or during the City Council’s consideration of that item. Each speaker will be limited to approximately three minutes.
- Presentation – of a revised Lennar Term Sheet and consideration of staff’s recommendation that City Council select Lennar Concord LLC as the Master Developer for the Development Phase One Property at the Concord Naval Weapons Station and proceed to the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) stage of the negotiation period, as defined in the Agreement to Negotiate between the Local Reuse Authority and Lennar. Report by Guy Bjerke, Director of Community Reuse Planning.
The council meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. at the City Council Chambers at Concord City Hall, 1950 Parkside Drive. Meetings can also be viewed on Concord TV, available on Comcast Channel 28, Wave Channel 29, and U-verse Channel 99.
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