Marsh Creek, Alhambra Valley Roads still closed; cleanup continues
During a special meeting on Thursday, the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors ratified a proclamation of local emergency stemming from storm damage that took place during the first two weeks of January. High winds coupled with continued rains over a short timeframe led to an estimated $18 million in damage in a number of unincorporated areas of the County, within our cities, and at water, park and sanitation district facilities. The proclamation, along with the State’s declaration of a State of Emergency on Monday, will put the County and local jurisdictions in line for potential recovery funding.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency, (FEMA,) is doing site visits throughout the state this week, along with the State Office of Emergency Services. It will take several months for the County, working with State and Federal authorities, to get a more firm total on the damages and what costs can be covered.
At Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting, Contra Costa County Supervisor Candace Andersen praised Public Works, the Sheriff and the Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services workers for their efforts to respond quickly to the storm’s impacts, noting that repairs are being made as quickly as possible. Public Works Director Julie Bueren agreed, noting that months of work in advance by Public Works and Flood Control District staff helped to minimize the problems in the unincorporated area. Two problem areas that were closed are now open: Morgan Territory Road and McEwen Road.
Two major road closures are still in effect in Contra Costa County:
- Marsh Creek Road between the Clayton city limits and Deer Valley Road
- Alhambra Valley Road between Bear Creek and Castro Ranch Roads
Marsh Creek is open for local traffic only. Caltrans and County officials are working jointly developing a plan to repair the sinkhole on Alhambra Valley Road.
With more rain expected next week, and the ground still very saturated from previous storms, you are encouraged to use any gaps in the rain to prepare for the next wave, checking rain gutters and storm drains for blockage. If you’re concerned about flooding at your home or business, it’s not too late to visit one of the sandbag stations located throughout the county. Please note that you’ll need to bring a shovel, but bags and sand are available for free. Find out details regarding County sandbag sites at
County Public Works Maintenance road crews maintain the storm drain inlets through a program of annual inspection and cleaning. To report a clogged catch basin or drainage inlet please call the Public Works Maintenance Division at 925-313-7000 during work hours and after hours call Sheriff’s Dispatch at 925-646-2441.
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