Dear Editor:
For forty years I have dedicated my professional life to helping the mentally ill, the homeless, substance abuse addicts and low income families with children.
ACA – Affordable Care Act has saved thousands of lives. I know because many of those lives are my clients. Without ACA, those with drug addictions will be on the streets, trying to survive through stealing, breaking in to homes or stores, and other criminal acts that make our community unsafe. With ACA, my clients are in residential treatment programs and practicing full recovery. My homeless or mentally ill clients have full medical support, getting their prescriptions so they are not delusional or dangerous. Our clinics and hospitals need ACA to keep their doors open to our citizens, our families and the children. People will die without ACA.
Please contact your Congressman or Senator and urge them to vote to keep ACA or comparable health care for our citizens. You can contact Daily Action call 1-844-241-1141 (user friendly and free) and you will be directly connected with your Representative.
Jerri Curry, PhD Forensic Psychologist 27385, Licensed Family Therapist 19776, Certified Drug Addiction Specialist, Formerly with Contra Costa County
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