Secretary of the California Department of Veterans Affairs, Dr. Vito Imbasciani. Source: Veterans’ Voices
Includes interview with Secretary of the California Department of Veterans Affairs Dr. Vito Imbasciani
By Ray Alvarado, Contra Costa County Office of Communications & Media
On Monday, December 12th, at 7 pm (PST), the Veterans’ Voices show will premiere its “Best of 2022” show, highlighting some of the best moments from the past year. It will showcase some of the most interesting interviews from a wide range of topics important to the Veterans community. The show will feature Veterans from all branches of service sharing their experiences. It will also include an interview with the Secretary of the California Department of Veterans Affairs, Dr. Vito Imbasciani.
The Veterans’ Voices program is broadcasted on Contra Costa Television (CCTV) on the second Monday of every month at 7 pm. It can be seen live online at facebook.com/veteransvoices1. You can find an archive of past shows and show resources at https://contracosta.ca.gov/5163/Veterans-Voices
or on our YouTube channel Veterans’ Voices of Contra Costa. The show is re-run multiple times on CCTV on Comcast Channel 27, Astound Channels 32 and 1027, and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99.
Join us as we present our year of topics discussed from the Veterans’ point of view. We are proud to share these open and honest discussions and honor those who serve.
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