By Scott Alonso, Public Information Officer, Contra Costa County District Attorney
Earlier this week, the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office filed multiple felonies against Christopher Dopp, a transient with no known address, and Richard Lange, from Richmond, for last week’s burglary of the Walnut Creek Macy’s store at Broadway Plaza. During the early morning burglary of January 24, the defendants took $65,244 of gold jewelry from display cases.
The defendants were spotted by store employees on the first floor of the store as the pair smashed display cases. The defendants fled the scene after the employees saw the pair destroying the display cases. Ultimately, Walnut Creek Police Officers apprehended the burglars as they left the store. In total, the damage to the store totaled over $80,000 from the broken glass.
The bail for each defendant is set for Lange at $170,000 and Dopp at $35,000. The defendants are not in custody as they bailed out.
The specific felony charges are as follows:
Lange: Second Degree Burglary, Grand Theft of Personal Property, Vandalism Over $400 Damage — Special Allegation Serious or Violent Felony Prior & Special Allegation Two Prior Offenses
Dopp: Second Degree Burglary, Grand Theft of Personal Property, Vandalism Over $400 Damage
Case information: People v. Dopp, Lange, Docket Number 01-192927-2
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