YouTube video screenshot of Rep. Mark DeSaulnier (D-CA7) speaking during July 2019 House Oversight and Reform Committee Hearing.
Washington, D.C. (April 13, 2020) – “Our dad is a fighter, he has made good progress, and today he moved out of the intensive care unit and will continue to be treated in the hospital for non-COVID pneumonia, and begin a journey towards recovery,” said Tristan and Tucker DeSaulnier, Congressman Mark DeSaulnier’s sons. “This would be difficult enough at any time, but given the daily dangers we all face from the coronavirus, his path ahead is especially complicated.”
“Heartfelt concerns and well-wishes from the community, for whom he cares so deeply, have kept dad going, and we can’t thank everyone enough,” they continued. “We appreciate the kindness during this difficult time, and we hope that you can continue to offer support and time as he heals.
“We are incredibly grateful for the tireless efforts of the ICU doctors, nurses, and hospital staff who cared for our dad and go above and beyond for everyone who enters their doors,” Desaulnier’s sons added.
On Friday night, March 13, DeSaulnier “was admitted to a local hospital to treat complications of pneumonia from a traumatic rib fracture that occurred after falling during a run,” according to a previous report. His health then deteriorated according to a subsequent report.
DeSaulnier represents California’s 11th Congressional District which includes most of Contra Costa County, in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Allen Payton contributed to this report.
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