So that they will be valued, seen, heard, and served
By Rosalind Mays Welch, Richmond Community Foundation
Contra Costa, CA – RCF Connects, formerly known as Richmond Community Foundation, a local community foundation that is a motivator in Contra Costa County in the field of philanthropy and community change, announces the creation of the Equity for Black Women and Girls Task Force. The task force, led by RCF Connects’ Board Chair Dr. Cynthia LeBlanc, represents a collaboration of community leaders, will oversee an effort to create an awareness campaign to help inform the public of the inequities experienced by Black women and girls in our community and to ensure they gain access to the resources that can help them overcome and change current policies, practices and attitudes that are root causes of the inequities that we see today.
This effort is in answer to a recent survey of local funding organizations (described as foundations, private funders and corporate funders) which revealed that community-based funding commitments and programming in Contra Costa County for Black/African American people is less than 5% and discouragingly, less than 1% specifically for Black women and girls.
“As an organization dedicated to equity, that seeks systemic change that eliminates policies, practices and attitudes that are root causes of inequity, we cannot let this stand,” said RCF Connects’ Board Chair, Dr. Cynthia LeBlanc.
RCF Connects has a unique opportunity to center Black Women and Girls in Contra Costa County as a strategic priority in alignment with its advancement of equity as a value and goal. We understand that valuing and raising up Black Women and Girls in our community raises our entire community to a new level of health, wellness and success.
We would like to introduce to our community, the members of the Equity for Black Women and Girls Task Force who are dedicated to doing this vital and important work:
The focus of the Task Force is to release RCF Connects’ position paper entitled RCF Connects’ Equity for Black Women and Girls Initiative and ensure the successful implementation of its recommendations. The position paper highlights findings and recommendations from a comprehensive study funded by RCF Connects that included interviews and focus groups of Black women and girls across Contra Costa County. It also outlines solutions that correct the current void of services, supports, and resources specifically for Black women and girls in our community. Exec-Sum-Equity-for-BWG-Initiative-Report
In addition, the Task Force will also evaluate and pursue partnerships with key organizations willing to commit time, talent, and resources to support Black women and girls. Finally, the Task Force will provide expertise and insight to foundations and others willing to commit substantial funding to priorities that explicitly support Black women and girls, a valuable part of our community that is regrettably often overlooked and ignored.
In the near future, the committee will be seeking qualified candidates to head this new initiative with the core objective to fulfill The Equity for Black Women and Girls Initiative’s mission, vision, and approach.
If you would like more information about this project or seek to connect with our efforts, please contact Jim Becker, CEO, RCF Connects –
About RCF Connects
Richmond Community Foundation, now known as RCF Connects, is a leading motivator in Contra Costa County in the field of philanthropy and community change. Our mission is to mobilize the power of connection to build healthy, thriving communities. Our focus is on impacting the five areas of community building: Restoring Neighborhoods, Health, Community Growth, Quality Education and Public Safety. We truly live, work and breathe our motto: “Together, we are shaping the future!”
Marilynne L. Mellander says
Why do black females need a foundation to “thrive”?? In this day of Soros’ funded politicians, all they have to do is get an education, present a PC appearance and they’ll go far….
Didn[‘t anyone notice that “President” Biden actually limited his SCOTUS choice to a black female??