“We will continue to serve Californians”
By Trish Roath, Executive Director, Resource Recovery Coalition of California
The member companies of the Resource Recovery Coalition of California (Resource Coalition) provide solid waste collection and processing services in California. During these uncertain times, and as an essential industry, we believe it’s important to do our part in the effort to fight COVID-19 as well as provide a sense of routine for all Californians.
As an industry, we have taken the following steps:
- Resource Coalition members are working diligently with their local jurisdiction partners to continue to provide service to avoid any additional public health and safety hazards caused by uncollected waste.
- Resource Coalition members have been provided a guidance document on how to ensure worker safety, based on CDC and OSHA guidelines, during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Many solid waste and recycling companies have already implemented work from home policies for office staff where possible to prevent the spread of infection and keep employees safe.
- All solid waste and recycling facilities have been advised to consider suspending nonessential on-site activities. This may include activities such as facility tours, public drop-off, in-person bill pay, and other similar activities. Notice will be provided to customers that all best efforts will be taken to address questions and concerns via phone, email, or website communication.
“The Resource Coalition acknowledges that this is an unprecedented situation and we are fully committed to fulfilling our duties as an essential industry,” said Trish Roath, Executive Director of the Resource Coalition. “Our members are committed to working together with their cities and counties to provide safe solid waste collection and processing service through this crisis and beyond.”
For more information on how the solid waste collection and processing industry serves Californians, please visit www.resourcecoalition.org.
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