Dr. Anthony Fauci with Lafayette Councilmember Cam Burks during an online interview on Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2020. Courtesy City of Lafayette.
Hello Lafayette:
On Tuesday, December 22, I had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, for a virtual one-on-one fireside chat to briefly discuss the state of the current virus situation and how well we, Lafayette as a community, have been doing.
I congratulated him as just a few hours before our chat, Dr. Fauci himself received his first vaccination shot!
He praised Lafayette and encouraged us to continue our measures, and to become vaccinated as soon as it becomes available to us. He provided valuable advice on how we can prevent transmission and was genuinely proud of our community for taking COVID-19 so seriously.
Dr. Fauci turns 80 on December 24. As a surprise, I sprang on him the idea that we, as a city, would proclaim December 24, 2020, as Dr. Anthony Fauci Day in Lafayette. He excitedly accepted!
Just another example of Love Lafayette!
You can watch Dr. Fauci’s message to Lafayette on the City’s YouTube Channel here: https://youtu.be/40xxtGLreA0
Happy holidays, happy New Year, and please be safe.
Cam Burks, Lafayette City Council
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