East Contra Costa Fire Protection District ins appeals hearing for citation issued for illegal fireworks show on July 4, 2020
By Steve Aubert, Fire Marshal, Public Information Officer, East Contra Costa Fire Protection District
The East Contra Costa Fire Protection District (ECCFPD) Fire Prevention Division was advised of an illegal fireworks show that had taken place on the July 4, 2020 holiday in Discovery Bay. An investigation pursued and revealed a large-scale show of a little over 500 fireworks had been fired the night of the 4th of July resulting in one Discovery Bay resident receiving a citation of $26,325.00.
Fire Marshal Steve Aubert stated, “With the District’s limited resources of only three stations available to respond to fires, our Prevention Division works to eliminate all potential fires within the District.”
District Board President Brian Oftedal stated, “On June 25, 2020 the Fire District put out a press release urging everyone to avoid the temptation of putting yourself and your neighbors at risk and reminded the public that Contra Costa County is a firework free zone.”
“It is unfortunate that these warnings were blatantly ignored and that our community was placed at increased risk,” he continued. “I am hopeful that this incident will serve as an eye opener to our communities and discourages individuals from violating local and county ordinances in the future.”
All fireworks are illegal in Contra Costa County, and violators may be subject to criminal charges or citations if found to possess, manufacture, sell, use or discharge, or offer to do so, any fireworks (including “dangerous,” “safe and sane,” and other fireworks) as defined in or pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 12502 through 12504.
Smoke from a small fire could be seen in Discovery Bay during the private, illegal fireworks displays. Asked if that was caused by the person who was fined Aubert responded, “Hard to say. We ran so many calls that night and there were less than a handful of us patrolling for illegal fireworks. This one was brought to our attention later.”
The East Contra Costa Fire Protection District is a rural-funded fire district that currently operates 3 fire stations and has a 3-station deficit. The District protects a population of more than 128,000 across its 249 square-mile service area. ECCFPD provides firefighting personnel, emergency medical services (basic life support) and fire prevention to the residents and businesses of the cities of Brentwood and Oakley, and unincorporated communities of Discovery Bay, Bethel Island, Knightsen, Byron, Marsh Creek, and Morgan Territory. Learn more at www.eccfpd.org or social media via Facebook (East Contra Costa Fire Protection District), Instagram(@east_contra_costa_fire), Twitter (@ECCFPD) or our YouTube channel (East Contra Costa Fire Protection District).
Allen Payton contributed to this report.
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