After being suspended in March due to the Shelter in Place Order, the Danville Farmers Market will be returning this Saturday, April 11, 2020 at the Railroad Avenue Parking Lot.
The Pacific Coast Farmers Market Association (PCFMA) and the Town of Danville have worked to create guidelines under which the farmers market could return to provide residents with fresh fruits and vegetables. These guidelines include:
- Limitations on the number of vendors and booths with plenty of space in between
- No non-essential vendors or activities. This would include entertainment, hot food, and community booths (including the Town Council booth)
- No self-serve or sampling allowed
- A hand-washing station will be supplied at the information booth
- Restrooms will not be operational
- Customers may not touch any sale item prior to purchase
- Producers may not touch customers’ reusable bags
- Unpackaged food and cash may not be handled by the same person
- Customers are asked to wear masks, adhere to social distancing and follow any other regulations posted at the Farmers Market
Operation LOVE Friday & Saturday
On April 10 & 11, 2020 residents can bring needed medical supplies to the Village Theatre & Art Gallery, 233 Front Street as part of Operation LOVE. The donation drive will run from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and residents will be able to drive up and drop items off. A volunteer wearing safety attire will take the donation. Operation LOVE seeks to help out frontline medical workers in need of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Items being sought are: 1. Masks; 2. Goggles; 3. Disinfectant wipes; 4. Gloves; 5. Gowns; 6. Hand Sanitizers; 7. Brown lunch bags (nurses store their masks in them)
SRVUSD Schools Closed for Rest of the Year
As a result of the coronavirus and the ongoing shelter order, the San Ramon Valley Unified School District has elected to suspend school through the remainder of the school year. All school-related special events are cancelled. For more information on this closure, go to
Maintaining Good Social Distancing
One of the common concerns expressed to us has to do with children and teenagers not maintaining good social distancing and getting together in large groups in the parks, on the trails and in parking lots. The shelter in place order prohibits group gatherings outside of the family unit (this includes sports practices, training, or social gatherings), and requires individuals to maintain the six-foot social distance. These guidelines are in place to help limit the spread of the coronavirus and help to flatten the curve. Parents are asked to speak to their children about this serious issue and try to get everyone to work together to curb the spread.
ARE YOU CRAZY!!?? We will NEVER see the progress of stopping this virus if people are out at a farmers market!! No matter how much you use the mask,gloves,social distancing. People are idiots & and there will many who don’t comply. DO WE NEED TO HAVE 800 PEOPLE DIE IN 24HRS. for you to get it!! People MUST stay home for this to work!!