By Brooke Converse, Library Public Information Officer
The Contra Costa County Library is launching new storytime content in two different platforms aimed at providing families with library programming during the COVID-19 health crisis.
Online Storytime is a series of videos created by some of the Library’s best storytellers. Each storyteller films a 10-minute video from home that includes reading books, singing songs and having fun. A new video will debut every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a.m. on the Library’s Facebook page (@ccclib).
Video Storytime is an ongoing series for the library and the first episode of season two is live on the Library’s YouTube channel (theccclib) right now. Video storytime includes singing, rhymes, finger plays and more. A new playlist will debut every Wednesday. Video Storytime was created in partnership with Contra Costa Television (CCTV) with funding provided through a Pacific Library Partnership Innovation Grant. The segments are produced and edited by library staff.
“We have so many amazing people on our staff and they are eager to share their storytime talents with families,” said County Librarian Melinda Cervantes. “We are very busy behind the scenes creating new content and testing ideas to serve people with and without library cards while we all stay safe at home.”
All 26 branches of the Contra Costa County Library are closed and staff is actively working on new ways to provide library services remotely during the closure. The Library website includes links to many free online resources including eBooks, streaming movies, tutoring, newspapers, magazines and much more. Library staff are curating booklists and resources to help parents who may be homeschooling their children.
Those without a library card, can sign for an eCard and get access to many of the same resources.
For questions about Library services and programming or account information, contact the library via online Chat Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or visit
For the latest information about COVID-19 in Contra Costa County and tips on staying healthy, visit
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