By Matt J. Malone, Public Information Officer, Superior Court of California, Contra Costa County
Recognizing the severity of the coronavirus (COVID-19), the Contra Costa County Superior Court is taking active steps to control its spread within the community and reduce infections.
Parties, attorneys, and jurors who are experiencing coughing, fever, or shortness of breath should not come to Court.
• Individuals who have received a summons for jury duty may reschedule their service either online at or by calling 925-608-1000 to speak to the Court’s jury services department.
• Parties or attorneys should contact the individual departments handling their matters for rescheduling.
The public is encouraged to refer to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention website for up-to-date information about COVID-19 symptoms:
Those who come to Court without presenting these symptoms should still practice excellent personal hygiene, such as frequent handwashing, avoiding touching the face, and coughing or sneezing into the elbow. The Court is taking extra effort to sanitize public access areas, including doors, elevators, stair rails, and other frequently-touched surfaces.
The Court’s services and business hours otherwise remain unchanged.
These instructions may be updated as additional information becomes available.
Because of my age, 74, I don’t want to be exposed to large crowds because of the Coronna virus.
My health is not top notch right now at this time and I have had two shoulder operations which I am in discomfort and pain.
Because of my age, 74, and because of the Coronna virus I don’t want to be around crowds of people. Also I have had two shoulder operations and I am in constant discomfort and pain.
I am hiv-positive 67 years old very high risk group and don’t want to be in a Public space with all these strangers.. I’m not comfortable with this.
I am 83 and have two medical issues : parkisons and Heart Disease which make me in a very perilous position vs. corona virus and request excuse.
My Mother Lucille Covington got summoned for Jury Duty on April 25 2022
She is 95 and has Dementia and is under my care.
She will not be able to serve