By Timothy Leong, Public Information Officer, Contra Costa Community College District
The Governing Board of the Contra Costa Community College District (District) has paused the search for the next Chancellor for 30 days due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and its impact on the ability to serve students quality and affordable higher education.
“The selection of the Chancellor is one of the Board’s most important jobs,” says Governing Board President Rebecca Barrett. “I join my fellow trustees in deciding to pause our search for 30 days. We need to give our District leadership, staff and students time to focus on the COVID-19 crisis as we transition our classes and support services to a mobile format as a result of restrictions resulting from efforts to minimize the rapid spread of the Coronavirus.”
Assisting the District in the Chancellor search is Collaborative Brain Trust and Dr. Brice Harris, a longtime California community college educator and Chancellor Emeritus of the California Community Colleges. The goal remains to complete the search process and selection by the beginning of May 2020, with a start date of July 1, 2020.
For more details about this search, contact Dr. Brice Harris at or cell phone at (916) 715-7272. Progress reports and updates will be posted on the District website at
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