By Timothy Leong, Public Information Officer, Contra Costa Community College District
In response to the emergency declarations from the State of California and Contra Costa County, the Contra Costa Community College District (District) and its colleges – Contra Costa College, Diablo Valley College-Pleasant Hill and San Ramon Campus, and Los Medanos College Pittsburg Campus and Brentwood Center – have suspended all face-to-face classes and face-to-face student interactions beginning Monday, March 16, 2020. All campus locations will be closed to students to minimize the spread of the coronavirus until further notice.
Over the next few days, faculty and staff will develop and implement transition plans for a remote format delivery of classes and student support services. Beginning Wednesday, March 18, 2020, the colleges will start the process to deliver classes and student support services remotely.
This revised course of action will assist the colleges in fulfilling our mission to our students during this difficult time while minimizing the coronavirus impact to our community. The District appreciates the community’s patience and understanding during this unprecedented time.
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