Sacramento – The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) has announced it will recommend fines for serious violations for former Contra Costa County Clerk-Recorder-Registrar of Voters Joe Canciamilla at its next meeting on November 21st. (See related article).
“Mr, Canciamilla has resigned his position as County Clerk-Recorder-Registrar of Voters, so as to not bring undue hardship to the office while this matter
is being resolved,” said Canciamilla attorney Andy Rockas, of the Law Offices of Andreas C. Rockas.
“Mr. Canciamilla has cooperated with the FPPC, has paid back all disputed amounts, and all fines listed in the proposed stipulation have been paid in full,” said
Rockas, adding that none of the violations involved the use of taxpayer funds, and were limited to campaign funds contributed by private sources.
Rockas added that Canciamilla has taken full responsibility for this situation, is humbled and embarrassed, and hopes the FPPC fines won’t severely overshadow his 46 years of public service to the residents of Contra Costa County.
Some of Canciamilla’s accomplishments throughout his years of service include: Helping to create Contra Costa County’s first Urban Limit Line to control growth; preserving 2,700 acres of park and open space at Cowell Ranch in East County; expanding the County’s Industrial Safety Ordinance to ensure the public’s safety around area oil refineries; and, helping to create Pittsburg Power, making Pittsburg one of the first cities to pursue an independent path to controlling local power and energy.
At its next meeting scheduled for November 21st, the FPPC will take up the violations and proposed fines for Canciamilla and his campaign committee.
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