Screenshot of post on Twitter from Antioch by a person who claims to be from Oakland (whose account we will not identify due to its graphic content), which includes a photo of shops in the Streets of Brentwood shopping center at 9:30 a.m. Monday, June 1, 2020. The tweet has since been removed.
Some stores already closed or are closing early as a result of threat on social media
By Allen Payton
Due to a comment posted on Twitter by someone who claims to be from Oakland, telling people in Oakland to go to Antioch and the Streets of Brentwood shopping center to loot, on Monday, both the Antioch and Brentwood Police Departments are making preparations.
The message, posted in Antioch at 9:30 a.m. Monday, June 1, 2020 reads, “Oakland, we need to make our way to Antioch and the streets of Brentwood today and take EVERYTHING. The outlets is outside so it’ll be easier to break in and take everything! THIS IS ALL FOR GORGE DONT FORGET! REPOST!” That refers to George Floyd, the man who died after a Minneapolis police office had his knee on Floyd’s neck pinning him to the street for nine minutes, while two other officers also had him pinned down, while a fourth officer stood by guarding them. The tweet has since been removed.
When asked about the message, Antioch Police Chief Tammany Brooks responded, “Already on it.”
Brentwood Police posted the following about their actions to prepare their city, and specifically the shopping center:
“While we stand by everyone’s right to peacefully protest in this difficult time, threats of looting and vandalism will be taken seriously. We have learned of such threats being spread on social media directed at the Streets of Brentwood.
As a result, Streets of Brentwood will be closing businesses early today and we will be adding additional staffing to the area to monitor the safety of the public and protection of property. In the interest of everyone’s safety, we ask that you avoid the Streets of Brentwood since businesses will be closed and access to the property will be closed off.”
As of 3:40 p.m., witness said they saw Antioch Police are gathering at the Somersville Towne Center and asking the stores to close. Another resident reported the Lowe’s and Target stores are closed in Antioch.
Also, Brentwood PD posted on their Facebook page at 3:40 p.m. that “Home Depot contacted us to let us know they have closed early today for the safety of their employees and customers.”
Please check back later for any updates to this report.
At what point is enough going to be enough? We should be defending our businesses and homes to put an end to this madness. These people are dangerous psychopaths looking to leave as much destruction as they can in their wake.
That is FAKE. It’s likely put together and posted by someone on the “right” to discredit the protesters. Anyone want to take some bets on that?
That’s a real Twitter account. But, due to its sexually graphic content, we won’t promote it by providing the address. The tweet was later removed. Some people showed up in Antioch as a result of the tweet. Two were arrested by Antioch Police while attempting to loot a store at the Somersville Town Center.
Allen Payton, Publisher
People wanna make the Oakland Community look bad when there not frm here why do U need are help ??!
Why dont you read the news you white trash.. Your people are out there looting and breaking into businesses too.. Your people are spray painting in protest when we dont want it!! What we want is for racist whites like you to disappear. This world has no room left for you. Bye
I was trying to figure out what I should say to him… but you nailed it…. #blacklivesmatter #sayhisname #georgefloyd
He want to know why they speak bad about us cause stupid shot like this
Sooo I believe in the part where you say a crime is a crime but let me ask you what “CRIME ” did George Floyd is his name commit if that’s who you are referring to? Yes the looting is a bit much but it’s not only blacks doing it and understand we are fed up and need to take a stand for our children growing up on this corrupt world we live in
Totally agree but first let’s make it clear. The guy tryed to pass a fake $20 so the store called the cops. He was pretty compliant at first with id say a slight out burst BUT that stupid cop should of never put his knee on that mans neck I’ve seen cops do it before and to white guys too. It’s reallly not a black thing it’s a dirty fuked up bad cop thing there is way to many out there and than THEY (cops) make us turn it to a black and white thing. We should be past the racial thing and point it out to who really starts this stuff it’s the messed up law. Get rid of the short man cops with a attitude oh and there was two black cops there when that fool had his knee on his neck and that Asian he just looked the other way he should be prosecuted too. Let’s stop this madness and stand together.
You are disgusting.
Wow..I’m sure u won’t stand in a crowd of african Americans and say that
I work for a sheriff’s office that’s in a nearby county. I do
Fingerprint identification, booking records, and etc.. The people being arrested for looting are of
ALL nationalities, it is not just black people. Have you watched the news? Because if you did, you would see that it isn’t just black people it is whites as well. Do you hate white people when they loot? Do you hate all whites when they commit crimes. My job is to process records so subjects can be booked into jail, and let me tell you I have processed records of every race for every crime under the sun and some are pretty horrific. Do you hate a whole race for the crimes of others?
Protestors and people who loot are not one and the same. As I said I work for the sheriff’s office, there have been plenty of protests outside of my job and the people who are protesting are not looting. Every race commits crimes everyday, do you hate a whole race for a crime that one person, few people, or a group commit? Do you hate yourself? Do you hate the KKK? Do you hate whites for all the crimes that they have committed against multiple different races? Before you speak about black people committing crimes, you should have solid information. You should know about whites and other races committing crimes. And are you not intelligent enough to know that there are always good and bad people of every race, nationality, etc. When I was 17, I was raped by a white man. Should I hate all whites because of it? Of course not. Because 1 vile person isn’t the sum of the whole.
Obviously you’re a troll meant to drive up animosity and hatred between races. Go back to your hole that you crawled out of. No one especially someone born and raised in California walks around spewing B.S. like that. Spread peace and harmony not B.S.✌
They’re looter they’re not belong to any community or they don’t have any feelings what they are doing
Sooo I believe in the part where you say a crime is a crime but let me ask you what “CRIME ” did George Floyd is his name commit if that’s who you are referring to? Yes the looting is a bit much but it’s not only blacks doing it and understand we are fed up and need to take a stand for our children growing up on this corrupt world we live in
And the “CRIME” to me was murder
Yo I have more screenshots of people planning to do this, email for the pictures
Fck what all of u are worried about it has nothing to do with what we want u ignorant fcks …the COps are wrong and that’s the POINT ..THATS ITS
People please… No matter what color your skin is, what level of education you have, how much or how little money you have. We all have to live together, work next to one another, pray to our God. Violence and looting isn’t the answer nor is it a way to enact the changes necessary to make our lives better.
We all need Jesus. We are all sinners. Wrong is wrong no matter who does it. He died so we can live. I pray for peace.
These people are vandals
They are just looking for an excuse to steal
Of course, this is systemic problem, for your information, not only black, almost everyone race, especially whites are looting too, look the real pictures. We/ the public knows that you racist individuals and racist police putting this type of fake news to divide people and race, and change the main point.in this movement! You make us stronger not weaker!
You racist out there, enough is enough, change on the system must come at all cost, all you racist people and cops don’t belong in our community!!!
Enough is enough,
“They’re looter they’re not belong to any community or they don’t have any feelings what they are doing”
Mark, let me tell you something using your own words!
These are racist individuals and racist black men killers Cops, they don’t belong to any community or they don’t have any feelings about what they are doing!!!!!!!! Focus on the main issue!
Enough is enough!
I personally think it’s way more than just the cops killing that guy.They kill innocent people and sometimes they get a slap on the wrist if that Remenber that bank in Stockton that got robbed in the 70s the cops had no problem unloading there guns on the robbers in the getaway car with a innocent hostage inside .If nothing changes nothing changes.