The candidate backed by Contra Costa Police Officers Associations 4 years ago was Mark Peterson. Peterson, as has been widely reported, was arrested and prosecuted for embezzlement and perjury, and he was also disbarred from the practice of law. 8 years ago these same police officer associations backed criminal defense lawyer Dan O’Malley for DA, a lawyer that specialized in drunk driving cases. O’Malley spent most of the 2010 campaign under a cloud of suspicion – local newspapers – like the East Bay Times and the East Bay Express – wrote stories suggesting that O’Malley and others may have tried tried to “set up” one of his rivals top supporters on a rape charge, Deputy DA Michael Gresset.. Don’t know how true this is, but there was all this negative press on O’Malley – he ended up getting crushed in his run for DA. Now these same police officer associations – the ones that were enthusiastic supporters of both Peterson and O’Malley, are telling us to vote for Paul Graves, even though the current DA Dianna Becton – the first women to hold the DA’s job ever – is doing a fine job. No police officer association, in my view, has made a good case why Becton should be ousted from her job – she is running the DA’s office just fine. In light of these police officer associations track record on endorsements – they backed felon Mark Peterson 4 years ago, and this DUI lawyer O’Malley 8 years ago, I think most voters should just ignore the police officers associations endorsement of Paul Graves. These police officer associations aren’t doing their homework, obviously, They are clueless on who would make a good DA, modern day Keystone Cops really. The police officer associations in Contra Costa should just stick to arresting and jailing lawbreakers, they do that well, but they are pitiful on endorsements of DA candidates. We have a fine DA in Diana Becton, she has brought order and stability to the DA’s office and she has worked to professionalize the office as well. Clearly Becton is turning around what has long been a dysfunctional DA’s office. Voters should keep Diana Becton on the job!
LA says
The candidate backed by Contra Costa Police Officers Associations 4 years ago was Mark Peterson. Peterson, as has been widely reported, was arrested and prosecuted for embezzlement and perjury, and he was also disbarred from the practice of law. 8 years ago these same police officer associations backed criminal defense lawyer Dan O’Malley for DA, a lawyer that specialized in drunk driving cases. O’Malley spent most of the 2010 campaign under a cloud of suspicion – local newspapers – like the East Bay Times and the East Bay Express – wrote stories suggesting that O’Malley and others may have tried tried to “set up” one of his rivals top supporters on a rape charge, Deputy DA Michael Gresset.. Don’t know how true this is, but there was all this negative press on O’Malley – he ended up getting crushed in his run for DA. Now these same police officer associations – the ones that were enthusiastic supporters of both Peterson and O’Malley, are telling us to vote for Paul Graves, even though the current DA Dianna Becton – the first women to hold the DA’s job ever – is doing a fine job. No police officer association, in my view, has made a good case why Becton should be ousted from her job – she is running the DA’s office just fine. In light of these police officer associations track record on endorsements – they backed felon Mark Peterson 4 years ago, and this DUI lawyer O’Malley 8 years ago, I think most voters should just ignore the police officers associations endorsement of Paul Graves. These police officer associations aren’t doing their homework, obviously, They are clueless on who would make a good DA, modern day Keystone Cops really. The police officer associations in Contra Costa should just stick to arresting and jailing lawbreakers, they do that well, but they are pitiful on endorsements of DA candidates. We have a fine DA in Diana Becton, she has brought order and stability to the DA’s office and she has worked to professionalize the office as well. Clearly Becton is turning around what has long been a dysfunctional DA’s office. Voters should keep Diana Becton on the job!