By Steve Padilla, Public Information Officer, CCC Public Works Department
Contra Costa County Public Works installed approximately 100 raised pavement markers at the intersection of Alhambra Valley Road and Bear Creek Road to combat illegal side shows. This is a first of its kind project to combat illegal side shows in the Bay Area.
The raised pavement markers (or domes) are six inches in diameter and 1¾ in height. While the new pavement markers will not inhibit everyday drivers, they should make it a less attractive and uncomfortable location for side show participants. Over time, Public Works will rely on local residents, CHP and the Sheriff’s Department to see if they are having their intended effect, and if they notice a decrease in illegal side show activities at that intersection.
Public Works also upgraded the shoulder lines, added new reflector markers and put up advanced warning signs of “Traffic Calming” ahead to warn motorists of the new raised pavement markers.
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